We continue where we left off in episode seven with Kia, Katrina (hosts of the hilarious "I'm Just a Teacher" podcast) and Raven – three of a handful of educators who join TALMA through Hebrew Public, and enter TALMA as first time visitors to Israel, willingly throwing themselves into a world unknown for the sake of bettering themselves for the students they'll return to. These are their stories.
Most teachers join the TALMA Fellowship seeking the challenge of entering an unknown educational system because they know Israel, love Israel, and trust that – even on the days that lessons go awry – the setting is worth the challenge. Yet, for a small group of teachers joining TALMA each summer, the challenge is pursued because they don't know Israel – but want to. Why? Meet Kia, Katrina (hosts of the hilarious "I'm Just a Teacher" podcast) and Raven – three of a handful of educators who join TALMA through Hebrew Public: a network of charter schools across the United States that offers a public education with a dual-language Hebrew/English program that recognizes that, in order to understand a language, one must understand the culture. For the gen-ed teachers at the school who are surrounded by the language and culture of Israel, TALMA is an opportunity to better understand their school at home by taking on a challenge abroad – a summer with TALMA in Israel. Join us as we laugh, cry, and cringe through their stories of culture shock, amazement, and wonder as these three adventurous teachers recap their summer in Israel.